Skin care tips for monsoon

Ways To Deal With Oily Skin During Monsoon

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If you have oily skin, you well aware of how difficult it is to keep acne and other skin problems at bay. And during the rainy season, it needs a little more extra care and efforts. The continuous increase in humidity during the rainy season makes your skin greasier, which may turn out to breakouts and other skin issues. So, what you need to do is change your skin routine according to the weather. Therefore, here are some effective skin care tips to make sure your skin stays clean and healthy this rainy season.

1) Rosewater

For days when your skin looks dull and oil rigged, rose water will surely come to the rescue. A splash of rose water will give your skin a refreshing feel. So, wipe your face with a cotton ball dipped in rose water. This process not only removes the excess oil but also help your skin look younger and revitalized.

2) Mud Masks

A mud face pack or fuller’s earth is all you need to absorb the excess oil on your face. Fuller’s earth will also help to hydrate your skin and improve its elasticity. Besides this, a mud pack is also very beneficial in minimizing the problem of skin pores.

Therefore, during monsoon apply fuller’s earth with a mix of rosewater, lemon or glycerine, which will also leave your skin nourished.

3) Scrubbing

Another way to get rid of oily skin is to use a facial scrub daily. Scrubbing will not only exfoliate your skin but also remove excess oil and unclog the pores. There are various scrubs available in the market or you can use some homemade scrubs for effective results.

4) Wash your face with warm water

Rinsing off your face with warm water would do good to your skin. In monsoon, season try to wash your face with warm water instead of cold as warm water will effectively rid your skin of the excess oil and leave it squeaky clean and clear while keeping those skin woes away.

5) Non-comedogenic sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen is necessary whether it’s a sunny or rainy day. But, if you are avoiding it as it makes your skin oily, we have a solution to your problem. Go and opt for a non-comedogenic sunscreen, which is perfect for your oily skin.