Happy married life

Tolerance Is The Key Ingredient For A Happy And Healthy Married Life

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Someone has truly said that Marriages are made in heaven but solemnized here on earth. It is a beautiful journey where two known or unknown individuals decide to walk together facing every challenge, hard or good times with love, care, dedication, affection and trust. Do you know why your dadi/nani or parent’s marriage is more successful than a present generation? Do you think loving your partner is enough to experience a happy married life with your spouse? Today we are going to tell you what it needs to have a happy and healthy married life.

We all have heard that love is a vital ingredient for a happy marriage but for successful marriages, a couple need the most important ingredient or key other than Love is Tolerance. Read out the article to know how to practice tolerance in married life.

• Tolerance is something every other individual experience for the betterment of relationships either its a brother-sister relationship or a husband-wife. No one is perfect neither you nor your spouse. It is okay to voice your opinions but it is not necessary to argue on trivial things that may create distance between you both.

• There are times when your spouse makes you angry because of his/her habit of leaving wet towel on bed, disorganised way of doing certain things or taking a long time to get ready for the party but you can’t expect your partner to be perfect. He/she may have some flaws, just deal it with little patience and see the charistma it do in your marriage.

• You may get infuriated due to lazyness of your partner or not showing up at the decided time. it is advised to Show some tolerance towards your spouse. In times of despair, try to acknowledge his/her good qualities or traits. Do you know a moment of tolerance adds happy years in your married life.

• There are times when your partner becomes intolerable no matter how much you love them and that is the high time when you should take your focus away from the things which are causing you trouble and making you angry. Remember anger is an emotion which will pass but words said in amger can hurt your partner. It is necessary to wait for the right time to express your partner how you feel regarding specific thing.

• Tolerance comes with understanding when you try to understand the traits he/she may posses knowing that you can’t change them overnight. Understand that it is a part of his/her upbringing and this is the reason he have his own way of doing things as it will help you create an unbreakable bond with your life partner.

• There will be times when your partner is in bad mood either because his/her boss has lash out his frustration on him or because of a fight with his colleague without being at fault. Be patient. practice tolerance it may happen that he gets angry on you as he/she is badly affected but remember it is only a bad day not a bad marriage. Everything will be fine.

• Overlook minor faults of your spouse. Take everything in right spirit. Tolerance is the key to have a happy married life as successful marriages are the outcome of hardwork and patience which makes your bond inseparable and stronger with each passing moment. He/she is the only one who is going to be with you till last breathe. Getting angry on small things will only lead to conflicts that is of no good.