wedding life secrets

Secrets Of Happy Married Life…

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Marriage is the union of two hearts and souls for a lifetime. It is a big step one take when he/she is ready to promise to share their life with another person no matter how difficult or stormy the path becomes. Fulfilling the promises needs patience and other ingredients to ensure you both are happy in marital life. Though people think that maintaining a successful married life is a hard task, but it is not. Knowing the fact there is no secret for a happy married life, still, there are certain points which makes a marriage bond strong and healthy. Today, we are telling you few relationship tips that are going to help you out fighting the challenges together life throws, embracing the bad times and celebrating the little things without taking each other for granted. Follow the guidelines to make your holy matrimony last longer.

Accept them as they are

You have chosen your partner to share your rest of the life with him/her. Don’t commit a mistake by pointing out their habits on daily basis. That is not going to work to make your marriage last longer. Accept your partner the way he/she is. If you have approved them before marriage, there is no valid point to change them once you are married. Accept their goodness with little flaws. Cherish them.

Expect less but give more

When we love someone, we expect themselves to reciprocate the love in the similar way we crave but it’s not the right thing to do for a successful married life like don’t expect your partner to become a perfect cook midnight or expecting them to leave any weird habit overnight. For a perfect marriage, follow the rule ‘expect less but give more. Try giving all you have like lending a helping hand in kitchen chores or helping them in shopping or ironing the clothes. When you give selflessly in a relationship, your partner irreversibly tends to give you more.
Give random gifts
The one most forgotten element, which makes married happy life is the power of giving gifts to your beloved partner. Celebrate each and every occasion which is significant for both of you whether it is the celebration of the day you met first or when you share a first kiss or birthday or marriage anniversary. Give random gifts when they least expect it. Like bringing out the parcel while returning from office or keeping the pair of elegant earrings in a lunch box and see them blushing when they open up for cleaning.

Relationship advice

Be honest and loyal
No matter how much time you devote to a relationship, if you are not honest and loyal in a relationship, your relationship will fall breaking your partner’s trust. Honesty is a reward which you get in return if you follow the rule of being loyal to your partner’s need and love. That doesn’t mean to share a secret which can harm your relationship but don’t cheat when you have taken vows with the person to share their lives together. Don’t say white lies, be transparent and appreciate the person you have in your life.
 Uplift your partner in bad times
No relationship is perfect neither yours as husband and wife.There would be those times when your husband/wife will be ill for days, weeks or even for a year, or your relationship will be going through a turmoil due to misunderstanding, it is advisable for you to take a backseat, avoid conflict, and stick to them even after your relationship having few loopholes. It is one of the main ingredients which makes your holy matrimony more deeper and stronger when you can challenge bad times by sticking with each other and uplifting your partner during the bad phase.

Express your love

Marriage is a beautiful bond which is needed to be nurtured with the last but not the least key ingredient, expression of love. Whether you are living in a long distance relationship due to job prefrences or staying together, make sure you express the love you have for your partner looking directly into their eyes whenever you get a chance and saying those three magical words ‘I love you’ which act as a catalyst in forming the stronger bond.