How it feel being in love

Read The Points To Know If You Are Suffering From Symptoms Of Love

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What is love? We all sing love songs, read about it, write about it or sometimes explain it to our friends and cousins. Can’t you get that girl or guy out of your head no matter how hard you are trying? Are you thinking about them walking, sleeping, watching television or talking? Are you daydreaming your every moment with them in future? Read how it feels to be falling in love for someone as Love is the quintessential emotion. It is an abstract feeling which only can only be feel but can’t be described in words. There is no warmth feeling more comforting and relieving than knowing you are right next to the one you love. Hence, in this article, we are going to tell you, my friend, that you are in love or you are the one who has symptoms of loveria. Go! Confess your love and get ready to enjoy the holy matrimony after you hear a yes to the person you feeling this strong and unexplainable emotion, love.

• Being in love you feel like there is no person on this planet you trust more than him/her. You trust that person to that extent that you in hesitantly tell him/her your dark or ugly secrets.

• You see him/her everywhere whether you are awake or sleepy. You imagine that person around you even if they are not there in real.

• When you see that person your Heart skips a beat on his/her sight. you try to see them indirectly so that you can’t be caught or make them feel embarrassed in front of everyone.

• You keep thinking about him/her. An instant smile comes on your face on its own whenever you think about him/her. Sometimes you start blushing without any reason.

• You panic on a single thought of losing him or her. It’s a natural feeling that drives you crazy when you love someone. You scared of losing them and suddenly feel sad and low thinking the rubbish thing.

• You completely surrender yourself. When you love someone or showing the symptoms that you love him/her, you surrender your true self in front of them. You try to become the person you are, no fake personality.

• You disregard social rules and obligations for your beloved partner. No wonder its 3 am and you are running for the car keys only to see the glimpse of your love of the life. It doesn’t matter to you if your elders will scold you for this careless behaviour not thinking about it is not safe to go outside alone.

• You want everything around them perfect. Yes! That’s true guys. Love is a feeling that only understood by the person who is in love with someone. When you love someone you try to do everything perfectly so that you can see a warm and loving smile on their face.

• It is obvious you can’t live with them 24×7 as you also have some other responsibilities to fulfil for the betterment of your relationship. you will go to the office or wherever necessary but you relive the memories of his/her when left alone for a moment

• You can’t dare to hurt that person because their happiness matters you to the most and hence you terrified to get them hurt.

• Other than his/her happiness is a priority, You feel like you are the happiest one he/she is around you.

• You sleep better when he/she is there, and you are happier on mornings when you wake up next to him/her.

• You delight in seeing his/her smile and you feel good when he/she is happy, especially when you’ve helped make him/her happy.

• You miss them when he/she isn’t around. You miss them badly when they are on the tour for weeks and months or even if they are going out for a picnic for a day or simply made a plan to go for night driving without you.

• You have promised yourself and him or her that when we have problems (and we do), we will address them together and become closer because of them. You do not use them as justifications for breaking up and move on.

• You are fond of the idea of spending the rest of your life with this person. This feeling fills you up with joy and happiness.

• Your monogamy with that special person is natural. Yes, You have committed to him/her and have promised not to sleep with anyone else.

Loveria is a disease which everyone wishes to have. So being my friend who is a patient of Loveria. Here are some of the scientific names of your Bimari. Have a look and enjoy your loving disease with your partner. As there is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

– Schizophrenia (Seeing her everywhere)

– Arrhythmia(Heart skipping beat)

– Obsessive-compulsive disorder (thinking only of her)

– Panic disorder (thoughts of losing her)

– Dependent personality disorder(surrendering yourself)

– Antisocial disorder( going against everyone)
– Perfectionism /OCD (chasing perfection)
– Post traumatic stress disorder( reliving old memories)