10foods to not to gain weight

10 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of And Still Not Gain Weight

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If you are the one who is a big foodie and loves to have a variety on your plate, your biggest concern will be weight gain but not every food you eat results in gaining weight. There are several options available which you can include in your diet chart to reduce few kgs. They are rich in nutrients and fibre and low in calories. One more advantage of these foods is that they make your stomach full and you can eat them as much as you want and still you will not be at risk of gaining weight. For the brides who are spending hours in gymming to get a perfect figure to walk down the aisle with the man of the dreams, read the best of the 10 fruits and vegetables that are healthy and nutritious and helps you to reduce weight.

10 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of And Still Not Gain Weight.

Popcorn- Popcorn the best time snack is favourite for all age groups whether its a child or an old age couple. Everyone likes to have this fluffy lightweight food that is good for health if consumed without sugar or better. Popcorns are very low in calories, as long as eaten plain. A bowl of popcorn contains about 31kcal only.

Eggplant- An eggplant is known as a vegetable having a unique range of health benefits. You can either include Baked or grilled portion of eggplant without oil and it contains as little as 24KCAL only. Hence you can have this tasty and yummy veggie in your diet without any limitations.

Celery- Celery, the vegetable from plant family is known for its nutritional value. The celery stems contain something around 95% water which means that their diuretic properties help detox the body and stimulate a natural and healthy way of weight loss.

Melon and watermelon- A slice of either muskmelon or watermelon provides 60-70KCAL, which means you can eat them all day long without any fear. Just Note it down after consuming watermelon avoid consuming water for around 30 minutes as it can cause cholera.

Oranges’ Grapefruits, and Tangerines- These vitamin C rich food are good for those who want to reduce weight or are on diet. These all fruits are loaded with vitamin C, Fiber, And flavonoids; which improve digestion and boost the health of your liver.In addition to these benefits, citrus fruits are quite satiating as well.

Cucumber- Cucumber has 96% of water, which makes it an inevitable veggie choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight.

Beetroot- An average beetroot portion contains 40KCAL only. This veggie which is mainly consumed as a salad is packed with many nutrients, such as manganese.

Zucchini- An average portion of Zucchini provides 42KCAL. this veggie boosts intestinal function, regulates salt- water ration, and it can be also used to lower energy output of heavy meals.

Pineapple- The tasty fruit could be your best ally in the battle against excess pounds. It’s bromelain contain metabolizes proteins effectively and splits facts, too.

Apples And Plums- An apple a day keeps the doctor away. this saying is absolutely fit for this magical red food. An apple fruit contains about 50 KCAL while a 100G serving of plums provides only 45 KCAL. Apples are very satiating and improve digestion, while plums are packed with potassium and vitamin C which keep the vessels and heart healthy.

Berries- Currant, Cranberry, Strawberry- Currant and Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, and currants also possess diuretic properties, thus help flush out excess water. Strawberries are quite nutritious and help maintain proper digestion and cardiovascular system.

Include these veggies and fruits in your diet to reduce weight if you are having your wedding in few months or if you are among the one who hates listening fatty by your siblings and close friends. These foods don’t make you feel hungry and help you reducing weight without avoiding food.