Arranged marriage

The Charm Of Arranged Marriage

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Everyone dreams of finding a perfect life partner and getting settled through the institution of marriage. Marriages solemnized the bond between two distinct individuals for seven births. Arrange marriage has its own charm and beauty. The nervousness, the excitement, the happiness, the fear, the anxiety, the fun, arranged marriage brings all the emotions together in a person. In an arranged marriage, your respected elders choose your partner depending on your social values, your thinking, and status. And we all know only parents know what is best for their children. No matter how old they get, it’s only parents who understand their offspring well and know who is the most appropriate choice for them. Here we are providing you few significant reasons why having an arranged marriage is a better idea.

arranged Marriage

Knowing each other

There is a sense of excitement and anxiety a couple feels in an arranged marriage. Excitement for knowing your significant’s likes, dislikes, habits, interesting hobbies, favorite songs or movies. There are numerous topics to communicate. In short, curiosity to know the person with whom you are going to spend your whole life.

Understanding and Mutual Respect

Mutual respect and understanding is the pillar for a successful marriage life. Both the partner try to understand each other with each passing day which develops mutual respect towards one another. Knowing the fact that your parents have chosen your life partner, you try to respect each other opinions, feelings, and emotions in a more responsible manner as you can’t let down your family prestige because marriage is not the only union of two individuals but it is also the union of two families.

Two hearts blossom together

Love in an arranged marriage happens gradually and slowly. Two individuals who decided to get into matrimony by parent’s choice start feeling for each other staying together. Love blossom in arranged marriages is everlasting and unbreakable as it gets strengthens by sweet gestures like smiling seeing each other, eyes interlocked for few seconds and you start blushing for no reason.

Marriage in india


Though in arrange marriages love might take some time to happen but commitment comes as a priority for both partners. Couples wholeheartedly try to keep the promises they took before God and holy Agni Kund. They are more dedicated to their significant others like not to hurt one another by harsh words or actions and supporting each other throughout their marital journey. Know the fact that commitment always brings people closer.

Family support

One positive aspect of an arranged marriage setup is that it offers family support. As marriage happened with the consent of elders, it’s a big stress reliever for a bride that she is heartily accepted by her in-laws and new family members. The extra scoop of love and care she receives from everyone makes her feel comfortable.In new home and in times of mishappening or incident, there will be an assurance for getting emotional and financial support in all circumstances.

The butterflies you get in your stomach when you see that someone special, the melody your heart sings, the eagerness for knowing an unknown person, seeing love blossoms through sweet gestures like caring and respect, the support of both families, the commitment are the ingredients which make an arrange marriage lasts long and results in the formation of stronger emotional bond among two partners.