Indian couples

Things No One Tells You About Marriage

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Marriage is a sacred union of two souls not just for this birth but for seven consecutive births. You and your beloved partner just got married and floating on cloud nine. You are enjoying the total bliss as if nothing could burst the bubble. Do you think you know everything about being married? Then you are probably wrong. Marriage is not always fun and constitutes of happy moments only, you will have to face challenging situations as well. No matter whether you have a rough idea about what a married life is, still there are few things that you are not aware of and you don’t get to know about them unless you experience them in your own wedding.

Read out the article to know about the things no one tells you about marriage.

• You love to argue on silly things when you are newlywed

You are more in love as a newlywed couple. You spend a lot of time together, sitting, talking or sometimes having an argument. No. We are not talking about the serious argument. You will fight on big things or small things that are not important. You would love to fight on nicknames (the names you use to address each other with love), ordering each other’s favourite cuisine at the restaurant or whether you will go to shopping from woodland or Raymonds.

• You keep records of small things

Haha! Here we are not making you aware of that you will keep records of mobile or electricity bills but on the other hand there will be scorekeeping who switched off the light/fan on last night, who put the mobile phone on charging last time or who folded the blanket for the last time when you both wake up from the bed.

• There will be time when you just hate your partner

No matter how much you love your partner, there might be many moments when you just hate your partner out of nowhere. It might be because of any weird habit of them or due to that pair of socks who he uses to throw willy nilly after coming back from office.

• Making love can take a back seat.

In first few years of marriage, you feel excited about making love as often as possible, but with passing years you don’t make love as you used to do in starting years. Your passion for consummating reduces. It’s not like you don’t love each other anymore but the responsibilities, the tiredness take the front seat and you just want to doze off as soon as you hit the bed and stretch your legs and arms like a carefree adult. If it ever happens talk to your partner openly.

• You have to face ups and lows

There is no such thing as “living happily ever after”. It’s true that marriage blesses the couple with happy, overwhelming, joyous and amazing moments but married life is not always like the one you see in fairytales. You have to overcome challenges, and hurdles at different stages of married life. You will encounter many situations when things get hard and you see the spark in your marriage is falling apart but work for making your marriage successful.

• Don’t care about looks

Couples who had love marriage will agree to this point. You spent hours in front of the mirror grooming yourself like trying a new hair style or doing eye makeup to look perfect when you make a plan to meet with your partner. You go to parlour for threading or facial but you feel less embarrassed about after few days of marriage. You are less concerned as your partner has seen you at your worst and at your best.

• You feel bounded and may not be a free spirit anymore

You are not living a bachelor life anymore. Now you are married and you your life is not entirely your own. You will have to adjust sometimes. You may feel restricted doing certain things or feel like you don’t have freedom but every couple even male compromises to set harmony and peace in married life.

• Your partner feel jealous of your friends

Whether your partner understands you or trusts you, if you have friends from opposite sex, he/she will surely feel jealous. Mostly men don’t like when their wives make plan with male friends for outing or keep chatting with them whole day long. It make them jealous and affect your happy married life.

Even if your marriage has some hard times, don’t freak out as you have that person with you who will hold the umbrella for you when it rains. There will be times when you will have to compromise, adjust, suppress your desires willingly keeping the happiness of your beloved spouse as a priority but it’s only you and your partner who can convert it into long lasting bond.