Mumma's boy

Signs Your Beloved Husband Is Mumma’s Boy

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Marriage is such a beautiful start of new life with your life partner. You are dating world’s best man but soon you take wedding vows and start living with your man under the same roof, you might get to know that you’ve married a mumma’s boy. Fighting to get the same affection as he has for his mother becomes a daily task of yours and you feel lost because your dreamt of having a happy marriage life has shattered into pieces. Your mother in law interferes in your personal space making things ugly between you and your partner. You always complain your partner to give the priority you deserve being his legally wedded wife.

Today we are going to tell you about the things you might have to deal with married to a mumma’s boy and this article will make you aware whether you are married to one. We hope you don’t get disappointed after reading this article pulling your hair that there is another woman (Your mother-in-law) who controls your husband’s life much more than she needs to.

Signs you have married to a momma’s boy:

• When he compares your cooking with his mom

It’s a fact that your husband has grown up seeing his mother and surely loves her cooking style; the way she cooks a particular vegetable or makes sandwiches her own way. No matter how much efforts and love you put into preparing a delicious meal, he always complaint that his mother cook far better than you.

• He rushes to his mother for every small decision

It’s one of the alarming sigh that you have married to a mumma’s boy if he can’t decide on his own if he can step out of the house to watch a movie with you. His mother wish is his command and he can disappoint you saying no if his mother disagrees or doesn’t want him to go for a road drive late night with you.

• He chooses his mother over you

Whenever you have a conflict with your mother-in-law or having a verbal communication making her realize that she has not done certain thing, he comes in between you and your mother in law from no where and takes her side and tries to defend her even after knowing the truth she is wrong telling you that you should respect her.

• She always finds place in his talk

No wonder you will have to face this unpleasant reality if you have choosen falling in love with mumma’s boy. She always find her way in his talks when you and your husband discuss something relevant and he says “his mother say or his mother feels.” You can’t do anything other than feeling furiated.

• He acts like a baby boy in front of her

It is obvious that your spouse is a mumma’s son when suddenly your grown up husband starts behaving like a little kid in her mother’s presence. He behaves like an immature person and can’t even cut a fruit for himself and see her mother to do that when being around.

• Your opinion doesn’t matter more than her

You are a matured person and have wisdom about some things. You too have better understanding of life and know how to handle certain things better than his mother knows but he doesn’t give a shit to your advice or opinion but if his mother gives the same piece of advice, he never doubts and blindly follows.

• He devotes more time to her than you

Yes! You have dialed his number but it is busy and you know he is talking to his mother. He updates her the smallest things after he had lunch, when he reached office, or when he got up from bed. When you are seeking for spending quality time with him, he is talking to his mother inspite of you. moreover, He finds time to call his mother from his office but when you complaint that he doesn’t manage time for you, he makes silly excuse of being busy.

• She knows more than you about his life

you feel dishearting when you husband shares everything with her rather than you and you start questioning if she is the person who is in relationship with him. You left with no choice other than feeling infuriated married to a mumma’s boy. She knows what his colleague is going through or what is he actually feels regarding it and you have no idea.

• Discuss love life and personal things with her

We can understand you pain and how you might feel when you get to know that your mother-in-law is already aware that you went for pregnancy test even after you said your husband to not disclose it with her. You feel shocked that she knows everything about your love life like when you had a fight with your spouse or regarding what. You start wondering what else he has revealed about you two.