Happy married life

Looking For A Better Married Life? Learn Avoiding Unnecessary Fights…

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Are you going to marry soon with love of your life? The truth is, ‘Marriage is a beautiful beginning of one’s life’. The thought of spending an entire life with your loved one gives you smiles, shivers and uncontrollable happiness. There is no denying the fact that with marriage, conflicts, disagreements, fights, and arguments come as an additional package that can affect your holy matrimony in an adverse manner.

As it is said you can’t escape from the rough phase in your married life, but you probably can handle the unwanted phase of your life with humour, patience, and little guidance. At Mangal Parinay, I have rounded off few helpful tips for newlywed couples that will prove beneficial to elude an irrelevant fight. Read the article to know how to avoid unnecessary fights that could alleviate your marriage.

• Never argue in front of your friends and relatives. If you want to talk about something sensitive, head to a place where you both are alone.

• Never indulge in a heated argument when you are around your children as it can affect their mental well being.

• Never hesitate to apologize when you know it’s you who is wrong.

• Never fume with anger if your partner commits a mistake. Wait for the explanation. Sometimes, mistakes happen unintentionally but your judging nature can exploit your healthy bond.

• There are times when the perception of another person about certain issue arises misunderstanding between both of you. Only you know your spouse more than any other person. Don’t let a trivial misunderstanding results in a big conflict.

• Confront your life partner if something is bothering you regarding your relationship. Instead of telling hundred people, talk to the one who can make you understand in the best way possible.

• Sometimes, your partner says hurtful words that he/she doesn’t really mean. Let those painful words don’t lead to an argument. Be calm and let him realize his mistake at the right moment.

• No matter how worst it gets, believe that everything will be sorted out. Instead of raising your voice to prove who is right, find out the solution to the problem calmly with mutual discussion.

• Never cherish a complaining attitude. Never start any phrase with “You never…” and “You always… It would fill your partner with anger and chances are you both end up having a bad fight. Pause for a moment, and choose your words sensitively.

• One main cause of the fight is when you bring up the past mistakes of your loving spouse. Allow yourself to heal, forget and forgive your partner. Promise yourself that you will choose to keep your mouth shut about the wrongdoings that happened in the past.

• Take a step forward to understand your partner intentions and needs. Don’t provoke each other with hatred and enmity.

• At the time of conflict, be silent and listen to your spouse patiently. Learn the language of love, come to an agreement that is fair for both of you.