how to make strong bond with family

Getting Your In-Laws To Love You In Quick Easy Steps

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In India, you don’t marry a man but also marry his entire family. It is being said that, “Getting hitched is not a real accomplishment unless you get along really well with each other and your extended family members”. A bride does continuous efforts to not only settle in a new home with her spouse but also to establish an unbreakable bond with in-laws by adapting their lifestyle as everyone has so many expectations from her.

Though spending an entire life with the person you love is not less than a blessing but getting adjusted to completely new surroundings, and lifestyle, with everyone, is little difficult for a bride. So, all the going-to-be brides, read the article to know “how to get along really well with each other at your in-laws’ house”. Trust it, you will be able to win hearts of everyone by keeping few things in mind.

• Don’t Judge your new family too quickly

Never criticize them at every move. Be open-minded. Always try to understand their point of view before making any false opinion or assumptions. Always remember- When you climb a mountain, you have to trust the stability of ground before putting your foot on them- same applies to marriage. Give yourself some time to observe them and understand them.

• Don’t try to mold your partner

There is a sick mentality of people that they want their partner to act like a puppet which makes their married life complicated. He is not a piece of clay..don’t try to ‘mold’ him as per your likings. Respect your partner’s individuality and thinking. Compatibility doesn’t come from creating a whole new person rather it derives from accepting your partner as he is.

• Accept your extended family members wholeheartedly

Life is not meant to be live alone..every relation has its own importance. No matter you are living separately with your partner, he is a part of a family where you are a new addition. Take necessary steps to forge an unconditional bond of love, respect, and support with other family members. Plan outings together, invite them to your place, stay in touch through phone calls or other mediums. Develop relationships and win hearts.

• Don’t grumble about your in-laws

Being a new family member; your words and actions will constantly be judged by your in-laws like you are judging them from day one. Don’t complain about your in-laws and other family members to your spouse even it might be the only thing you can think of. If there are some serious issues, calmly handle the situation and discuss respectfully how it can be resolved.

• Allow time to supervise some situations

Humans are made different. They have distinctive ways to do certain things. Don’t enforce your ways to others to do things in a manner you like. Maybe your mother-in-law prefers to cook a vegetable in a unique way for decades. Let her take the lead..allow time to take its course and change the scenario. Be patient.

• Never consider divorce as an escape to your happiness

Marriage is a lifelong commitment you promise with your partner. Undeniably, Marriage is not about only happy times…it also has ups and downs, troubles which seems neverending. Don’t let a small fight turns in to the separation of both of you. Make a way to the discussion rather than fighting to find a solution.