Why summer is good for health

Summer Thrills: Health Benefits Of The Sunny Season

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Summer, The best time of the season is finally on its peak. The sparkling sunshine in a clear blue sky, the chirping of birds, the hot air flowing through the bay, cooling drinks, and awesome thrills makes the environment a more pleasant place. Instead all of these reasons, the hot summer provides thousands of significant benefits to our health and well being.

Though the scorching heat irritates you to come out from home but is also very helpful in regulating our body processes, as well as acting as a psychological encouragement to improve our lifestyle. Have a quick glance to know the scientific reasons why summer is great for your health?

Reduces risk of heart attacks

According to a scientific research, it is to be believed that you are less likely to die of a heart attack in the summer than in the winter because you get more vitamin-D in summer which plays the most protective part in those who suffer attacks.

It is also said that good cholesterol levels are said to be higher during this season compared to colder months, maybe the hot weather is not as likely to constrict blood vessels.

The bucket full of fruits

Summer offers the juicy palatable fruits like mango, melons, strawberry, lichi, wood apple, pineapple all on your bucket list. Due to rising temperatures and high levels of humidity, we are more likely to crave a few slices of juicy fruits like watermelon or a mouthwatering mango smoothie. All these fruits help you to prevent the problem of dehydration and provide you with a generous diet of vitamin C and vitamin E.

Sweating is a healthy habit

The more you sweat, the cooler your body gets and the more your blood circulation improves. The process of sweating helps you clean out your skin by purging bacteria, dirt, oil and other skin impurities. Perspiration is not only limited to physical health but it also relates to release of endorphins which improve your overall mood and mental health.

Ample of Vitamin-D

As we all know, summer is known for its bright sunshine with the clear blue sky. Whether you’re chasing your kids at the park or doing outdoor exercises like swimming, and walking; all these habits make our heart happier and healthier in summers. As you can’t stay indoors, this season helps you to get ample of vitamin-D which is good for your overall health.

Best time to sleep

According to experts, it is to be recommended that exposure to an hour of sunlight between 7 am and 9 am each morning help those people who have the problem of insomnia (lack of sleep at night).