ways to have sound sleep

Simple Ways To Get A Sound Sleep In Summers…

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It’s too hot to sleep. In summers we spend every waking minute of our life complaining that it is damn hot to handle! There are few things difficult than trying to catch some napping in an incredibly hot summer night. When you are used to snuggling underneath a thick blanket, the heavy air summer nights can have you tossing and turning until sunrise. Hence here are some easy and simple tricks for sleeping when it’s too darned hot outside!

1) Small meal- To get proper and sound sleep, it is always best to eat small meals that don’t fill you up. Your body temperature tends to increase when your digestive system is working overtime to break own a huge plate of food. Hence it is always advisable to keep your meals light and small at nights. so that you won’t have to contend with the food sweats in the heat!

2) Cool room- It goes without saying, but you need to try and make your room as cool and as dark as possible. Keep your curtains and blinds closed all day so that the sun can’t get in their and leave the residual heat and keep as many windows open as you can so that some of that cool wind can get in and circulate in the darkness in order to keep the room cool.

3) Late-night inactivity- Avoid anything like exercising, gymming and any evening activity as it is going to raise your body temperature and then further give you problems later on when you are trying to sleep. Therefore, change tour routine so that you don’t have to anything exhausting and active before going to bed. It is also advisable to take a lukewarm shower before bed as it will actually help because you will cool off as you dry.

4) Keep your phone away- In a world of technology, we are ought to be addicted to smartphones. These mobile phones are the first and last thing we see in every morning and night. However, it is something you need to keep away from yourself in order to have sound sleep as the rays emitted by our phone can prevent us from sleeping. Hence, make it a rule of thumb, “Restrict the use of Phones around bedtime!”