breastfeeding health benefits

Health Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Both Mom And Baby

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Congratulations on the arrival of the great bundle of joy in your family!! It is true that a newborn baby is a key to immense happiness and joy for the respective mother, father, family, and dear relatives.” Soon after the baby is born, every member of the family including mother and grandmother is concerned about his/her health and do their best to protect the infant from infections.

Today, we are going to reveal the health benefits of breastfeeding for baby as his health is a top priority for everyone. Breastfeeding provides a baby the best start for a healthy life. A child is recommended to breastfeed for a minimum of 6 months for healthy growth and development and in addition to 2 years.

Read the article to know the advantages of breastfeeding for newborn baby and mother.

Health benefits for babies:

Health benefits of breastfeeding for baby

• Breast milk is best for your baby as it supplies all the essential nutrients your baby requires for proper growth.

• Babies who breastfeed have better jaws and tooth development.

• Mother’s milk act as a protection to various invading germs that are responsible for several infections like urinary tract infection, ear infection, gut infections and respiratory tract infection.

• It is proved in research that breast milk safeguards a kid from certain childhood cancers.

• It also provides enough antioxidant that boosts up the immune system of the child.

• Babies who breastfeed are less likely to get affected by a host of diseases later in life like inflammatory bowel diseases, type 1 and type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.

• Infants who are fed breast milk have a lower risk of sudden infant diseases syndrome (SIDS).

• Breastfeeding allows a mother and kid to build a strong emotional bond.

• A child who consumes mother’s milk has better cognitive development. It has higher IQ in comparison to the ones who were not breastfed.

• Breast milk is easily digested by the newborn baby.

• Breast milk needs no packaging and is cheap that is an added advantage.

• It is safe to say that it is always at the right temperature and free from impurities.

• Breastfeeding reduces a kid’s risk of becoming obese as an adult. They are better at eating as they have more leptin in their body that regulates appetite and fat.

Health benefits for mothers:

health benefits of breastfeeding for mother

• Breastfeeding is important for a mother as it helps her to recover from childbirth.

• Feeding milk to a baby helps a mother to return to pre-pregnancy weight sooner.

• It also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, ovarian and breast cancer.

• Breastfeeding lowers the risk of osteoporosis in a mother.

• It is good for stronger bones and helps in avoiding postpartum bleeding.