ways to keep your home summer cool

Ditch The AC, Quirky Ways To Summer Proof Your Home

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The temperature is at its peak and the surrounding starts blazing due to the scorching heat of the sun. It’s sad that most of us do nothing more than just cribbing over it. But here, we have some awesome ideas to beat the heat this summer and to keep your home summer-cool this season.

Growing houseplants is a natural alternative for beating the heat. That’s true, many plants are good for indoors as they release oxygen, absorb warm air and hence cool moisture into the air via the transition process. some plants will also help flush out CO2 (Carbon-dioxide) and toxins from the atmosphere at the same time.These plants not only helps to cool your home but also enhances the beauty of your home.

Therefore, today in this article we are going to tell you about some plants that will help you to keep your homes and offices cool in summer and the remarkable thing is that these plants require less water and need less maintenance. So, have a look at the journey how we can convert our homes, workplaces, school, and colleges into eco-friendly cool places just by bringing in some inexpensive air purifying plants.

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera plant which is known as the “the plant of mortality” is excellent in warm weather to keep inside at your home as it consumes hot air, helps the room to keep it cool and also cuts down the cooling costs by adding humidity to the room. This plant also releases moisture into the air via transpiration process, which is when moisture evaporates from the leaves.

According to the studies, it is believed that when plants release moisture into the air in a warm surrounding, it can reduce the overall temperature by as much as 10 degrees. Hence, it is advisable to install this plant at your home to feel cool in summers.

Snake plant

The plant has unique quality as unlike other plants, this plant emits oxygen at night and helps to keep the temperature cooler than usual.Snake plant is also known to absorb toxic elements like nitrogen oxide, trichloroethylene, benzene, toluene etc thus purifies the air.

Baby rubber plant

When we are looking at the indoors plant how can we forget this tremendous plant which reduces pollutants and helps to keep your room cool and refreshing? You can be infrequent while watering it, but it needs a rich soil and filtered light.


Fern plant is considered as one of the best air humidifiers by NASA.Along with cleaning and refreshing the air inside your room, it also controls heat.Therefore have fern at your home and put it into a beautiful earthen pot. It not only looks good but also enhances the beauty of your living room too.

Areca palm tree

A home decorated with plants in summer is like paradise found.So, this plant is a popular living room plant and is known to be a decorative house plant. Areca palm tree acts as a natural air humidifier and helps in removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air in order to cool your home.

Weeping Fig

One of the few trees that grow well indoors in containers, is a weeping fig which grows normally to about 2-3 meters when kept indoors. The plant is commonly known as ‘weeping fig’.This plant decontaminates the air by absorbing any heavy metal particles that are present.The leafy nature of this plant indicates a high rate of transpiration, which keeps the air around a weeping fig moist and cool.

So, what are you waiting for? Just search for these plants online, visit a nursery or ask plant seller to provide these plants that are effective in beating the heat.