Homemade remedies to get rid of danmdruff

Simple Yet Effective Homemade Remedies To get Rid Of Dandruff

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Winters, the favorite season of almost all of us come with so many hair and skin problems like the skin becomes dry and dead skin cells start appearing. And one such common and major problem which everyone has to face is a problem of dandruff. Dandruff or the fungal colonization of scalp is a condition that causes white flakes on the skin and is marked by itching. Decrease in both temperature and humidity during winter season makes our skin dehydrated, irritating and itchy. In some cases, it can be embarrassing and may not be easy to treat but don’t worry! have some patience and belief on homemade remedies to cure dandruff completely of your scalp. We are going to tell you how some natural ingredient that can prevent you from getting embarrassed in front of everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the most effective ways to treat white flake (dandruff) is by applying apple cider vinegar. Take apple cider vinegar, just 1/8 cup to 1 cup water to rinse your hair. After washing your hair with shampoo, dump it on your head and let it get soaked in your scalp for a few minutes. Rinse and condition as usual.

Baking soda
A baking soda rinse is yet another method. Take typically 2 tsp of BS to one cup water. Baking soda acts as a scrub and exfoliates the scalp gently, without irritating it and removing dead skin cells. Exfoliation is essential to ensure there is no build-up of flakes on the scalp that make dandruff even more visible. “Baking soda, along with its exfoliation and anti-fungal properties, also soothes the scalp and reduces redness and itching.”

Lemon Juice
You can always find lemon in your refrigerator. The lemon juice which treats many skin related problem is also beneficial to hair. Massage 2 tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. Lemon’s acidic property helps balance the pH of your scalp which keeps dandruff at bay.

Coconut Oil With Camphor
One of the most effective procedure to get rid of the problem of dandruff is the mixture of coconut oil and camphor. Warm the coconut oil and put 2-3 camphor balls in it. Massage gently into your scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes before washing off your hair with shampoo. Try it twice a week.

Take 20-25 neem leaves and boil them in water. strain the leaves and use the left out water.  Use a very diluted version of neem, you may either purchase neem water from the market on the scalp as concentrated versions may only irritate the skin further. Wash off your hairs with the prepared solution.

Aloe vera
Not only aloe vera is cooling but also mildly exfoliates the skin and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is recommended to directly extract fresh aloe vera juice from the aloe vera plant- Use the transparent part. It can be applied to the scalp and then washed off with a medicated anti-dandruff or mild shampoo.This herb calms down an irritated scalp and provides relief from inflammation.
So, the boys and girls, pen down these tips and don’t panic thinking about the hair problem winter causes. All these options are extremely inexpensive and way more powerful than a typical salon or store-bought shampoos. Follow the above mentioned homemade ways to cure dandruff regularly for a month to get desired results as home remedies take time to show the effects.