
Rosewater An Ingredient Of All Purpose Beauty Treatment

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Roses convey your love feelings to the person who is important to you without many efforts.The fragrance, the beauty roses provide, is enough to make someone fall in love with the beautiful gift of nature and the giver. Roses which are significantly used as an expression of feelings and love for your partner are also beneficial for your skin if added in skin care regime. Other than decor purposes or as a gift, they are also used by Indian women since ages to enhance the glowing look. This amazing ingredient, Rosewater helps in getting rid of dark circles, acne, soften the skin etc when used separately and gives astonishing benefits when mixed with other kitchen ingredients. Read out the benefits of rose water for skin, and face.

Remove Acne Scars
Rosewater provides several benefits to the skin. It helps in the treatment of acne scars by cleansing the clogged pores which later form acne. Mix rosewater with honey and sandalwood powder to form a paste. Apply it all over your face for 10 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.
Prevent Dark circles
No one gets enough sleep which in results become the cause of dark circles which snatch the beauty of a female. The lifestyle, the daily routine is a root cause of dark circles but don’t panic. Rosewater, when mixed with cucumber juice and applied to the affected area, cures dark circles and puffiness if followed for a week. Mix the rosewater and cucumber juice and massage for 5 minutes before going to bed.
 • Used As A Moisturizer
Your skin gets dry and dull if not taken care seriously. Rosewater moisturizes the skin from deep within when mixed with glycerine and applied regularly to your skin. Add it to your daily skin care regime after taking bath to hydrate your skin completely.
Remove Dead Skin Cells
Another beauty treatment of rosewater is that it helps in removing dead skin cells from the face. Soak 5-6 almonds overnight. Grind them next morning with rosewater to form a paste. Add few drops of lemon juice to it. Smear the paste on your face and neck and rub gently to remove dead skin and getting back your natural glow.

benefits of rosewater

Act As Facial Toner
No wonder this wonderful flower release your nerves when given as a token of your love to significant other. This beautifully scented flower acts a facial toner as well. Soak few rose petals in water Overnight. Extract the water and fill in a bottle or buy one from the market and refrigerate. Soak cotton balls in rosewater and clean your face gently to get brighter, clearer and radiant skin.
Cure Skin Allergies
Roses have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-allergic properties. It cures many skin related problems like blisters, burns, redness, and itching. Apply rose water to the affected area which keeps you away from skin irritation.
Treat Anti-Ageing
Today’s lifestyle and food habit is the root cause of anti-aging. Regular application of rosewater maintain the ph level and prevents wrinkles and fine lines. It softens the skin and provides skin the essential nutrients it is lacking. the antioxidants Properties of rosewater helps in regenerating new skin tissues.
Pinky Lips
Don’t forget to use rosewater if you are facing the problem of dark chubby lips. Apply rosewater with a cotton ball before going to sleep. You can use lime juice if easily available. It gives soft, pink lips. Give this home remedy a shot to color your lips pink without the use of any expensive cosmetics products.
Fight Suntan
No matter how much moisturizer you apply before stepping out of the home, Your skin gets affected by harmful sun rays and cause tanning. This easily and cheap natural ingredient removes sun tanning by being rich in vitamin C. Take 15-20 leaves of Tulsi, crush them and mix in rosewater. Apply this liquid before getting exposed to sunlight to reduce inflammation and redness caused by it.
Getting Rid Of Dandruff
Rosewater is one of the natural treatment that helps in getting rid of dandruff and white flakes that cause embarrassment. Mix rosewater in bathing water and wash your hair with mixed water to remove dandruff from hair scalps.
Nothing beats rosewater when it comes to providing necessary benefits all packed in one cheap natural ingredient provided to us easily. Just mix it with other ingredients as described above and flaunt the beautiful, glowing, radiant flawless skin and be ready to get compliments.