How to take care of your hair after pregnancy

Natural Hair Care Tips to Prevent Hair Loss During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is the most overwhelming phase of life for a pregnant woman. The thought of giving birth to a new life fills a woman with happiness, excitement, and stress. It is worth to mention that during pregnancy, body and skin of mom-to-be undergoes significant changes. Not only body and skin but your hair also get affected due to hormonal and dietary changes.

Though, for some women, their hair becomes shinier and thicker, or may even change from straight to curly. On the other hand, many women complain about hair thinning and falling out. So, to combat hair fall problem, the proper hair care regime is required to prevent hair loss. Hey! All the soon-to-be mothers have a look at the article to know hair care tips during pregnancy.

• Conditioning

Conditioning is a must as it can help you to treat hair fall. Condition your hair after taking hair wash but know your hair type (dry, oily or normal). Don’t over wash your hair as it takes away the natural oil from your scalp.

• Regular oiling

Hot oil massage proves to be effective to fight the problem of heavy hair fall. Make it a habit to massage your hair with warm oil before taking a head wash. It would be more effective if you apply hair in the night so that it gets soaked up by your scalps.

• Don’t use iron

It is a strict advice to all mom-to-be. Avoid using heat-based styling products such as blow-dryers and iron to dry your hair as it may also tend to hair loss. Dry your hair naturally at room temperature.

• Opt for trimming

Don’t let your hair changes control the way you want to look. Go for regular trimming as it will help you to eliminate the problem of rough split ends that prevent hair growth.

• Have healthy diet

Loss of hair during pregnancy signifies nutritional deficiency. Include more fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, nuts and required nutrients in your diet. Consult your doctor first as there are few veggies and fruits that need to be avoided during pregnancy.

• Skip Over-brushing

Whether you are pregnant or not, it is a complete no to indulge in a practice of over-brushing your hair since it also contributes to hair fall. Refrain yourself from brushing/combing your hair while wet as they are more prone to damage.

• Say a no to colours/dyes

While it is said that you can colour your hair during pregnancy but doctor suggests that one should avoid colouring hair as it contains harsh chemicals which can lead to allergic reactions. Go for natural colouring products like the henna colour you need to colour.

• Apply Aloe vera/ Onion juice

Aloe vera is known as an effective remedy to fight hair fall. Extract aloe vera juice and apply it on your hair scalp for 30 minutes. Wash off your hair with water. You may also switch to onion juice to promote hair growth during pregnancy phase.

• Stay stress-free

One of the most common reason behind hair fall is stress. Do yoga, exercise, listen to good music, sleep in, talk to someone whom you are close to.